Startseite > Kunden aus Indien erkennen HUAYA Elektrostapler
We received a customer from India who came to our factory to visit HUAYA's electric forklifts. After learning about the product's technical parameters and actual operation in detail, the customer highly appreciated the excellent performance of HUAYA electric forklifts. He particularly mentioned the forklift's flexibility and high efficiency, as well as the superior safety design. The customer believes that HUAYA electric forklifts are competitive in the global market and looks forward to further cooperation with us in the future.
HUAYA wurde im Jahr 1996 gegründet. Seitdem widmet sich HUAYA seinem Kernwert "Kunden erreichen, die Zukunft tragen" und hat sich stetig zu Chinas herausragendem Maschinenbauunternehmen entwickelt.
Mobil:+86 18931918183
E-Mail: info@huaya.cn
Add: Industriegebiet Xingwan, Stadt Xingtai, Provinz Hebei