Customer Visit
We were fortunate to receive a customer from Poland who came to our factory to visit HUAYA brand diesel forklifts. After a thorough understanding of product performance and technical details, the customer showed great appreciation for our diesel forklifts. He believes that HUAYA diesel forklifts have reached industry-leading levels in terms of power, stability, and excerpt …
We are very honored to receive a customer from the Netherlands who personally visited the factory to visit the HUAYA brand electric forklifts. After a deep understanding of the product performance and actual operation, the customer spoke highly of our electric forklifts. He said that HUAYA electric forklifts exceeded his expectations in terms of technological excerpt …
We received a customer from India who came to our factory to visit HUAYA’s electric forklifts. After learning about the product’s technical parameters and actual operation in detail, the customer highly appreciated the excellent performance of HUAYA electric forklifts. He particularly mentioned the forklift’s flexibility and high efficiency, as well as the superior safety design. excerpt …
Customers in Peru are increasingly recognizing Huaya for our innovative electric forklifts, a recognition that is solidified through visits to our factory. These firsthand experiences allow potential clients to witness the quality and performance of our electric forklifts up close, fostering trust and confidence in our brand. As more customers engage with our state-of-the-art machinery, excerpt …
During a visit to the HUAYA factory, Zhomart, a valued customer from Kazakhstan, shared positive feedback on our diesel forklifts. He expressed appreciation for the robust build, power, and reliability of the forklifts, noting how well they suit the industrial needs of his region. The visit reaffirmed Zhomart’s confidence in HUAYA’s ability to deliver high-quality, excerpt …
During their visit to our factory, Russian customers expressed high regard for the quality and innovation of HUAYA’s electric forklifts. They appreciated the advanced design, energy efficiency, and reliability of our products, noting how well they meet the demands of modern material handling. This recognition from international customers reflects HUAYA’s ongoing commitment to providing high-performance excerpt …
We are honored to receive a customer from Belarus, who came to our factory to visit Huaya’s electric forklift. After a detailed understanding of the site and a personal test drive, the customer expressed high recognition of the quality and performance of our electric forklifts. He praised the forklift’s environmentally friendly design, operational flexibility, and excerpt …